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I loved this game! It was amazing, and I was extremely sad that it ended so soon and wanted it to be longer, but it was a great game. I love Diego and Ted. I loved the part when they danced; it was so cute! keep up the good work! <3 <3 🖤🤍🖤🤍

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Мне очень понравился ваш проект, это прям точное попадание в целевую аудиторию.
Но за 3$ мы получаем анимированное кинцо и 3-4 пробежки по 1 минуте, в общем хронометраже на 30-40 минут.
Ох...я теперь понимаю, почему многие рекомендуют возвращать деньги, ощущают обман и советуют качать с торрентов.
Я очень надеюсь, что вы продолжите эту историю, вы уже сделали отличный сюжет и диалоги, я прочувствовал реалистичность в общении Теда и Диего. Я ощутил эмоции. Но всего этого мало для дебютного проекта.
Мы даем вам наши БРАВО! и надеемся увидеть развитие этой истории. Тед и Диего нужны нам. Пусть это будет вашим новым "народным проектом", мы вас всегда поддержим!


I really liked your project, it's a dead ringer for the target audience.

But for $3 we get an animated movie and 3-4 runs of 1 minute each, with a total running time of 30-40 minutes.

Oh... now I understand why many recommend returning the money, feel deceived and advise downloading from torrents.


I really hope that you will continue this story, you have already made an excellent plot and dialogues, I felt the realism in the communication of Ted and Diego. I felt the emotions. But all this is not enough for a debut project.

We give you our BRAVO! and hope to see the development of this story. We need Ted and Diego. Let this be your new "people's project", we will always support you!


Played this twice on Steam and enjoyed it a lot <3

I can't find the last letter bro it's been like 3 hours


The art style, story, and gameplay all look excellent! If your game is made available here or on another DRM-free platform in the future, it will be an immediate purchase.

Best wishes to you and your boyfriend, and please keep up the great work. Heartfelt content by gay/queer developers is deeply appreciated by those of us who do not normally see our lives reflected in game worlds.

Just started playing this to review on my podcast about bargain and queer gaming. Loving it so far!

DEI :(


This is amazing I wish I could play it form non-PC things but that's ok I love the game it's so cute and scary and I hope you make a series

God, you make such a beautiful colorful game! Even a famous gamer from my nation plays this game too. Please keep it up! I love a horror-not-horror game like this✨

i saw gameplay looks like a really good game

I just finished two endings, this game is an absolute must-play. It has such good moments and knows how to tug on your heartstrings, a 10/10 from me.

i saw the things you did on scratch and i knew that this game would also be an banger

Plz release this on itch.

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I cannot wait for the release! Going to buy it as soon as it comes out! Take care!


PLEASE bro i beg, the game is looking so good im definetely getting this paid or not bro i want this released asap

The demo was great! Cannot wait to see this love story unfold!!